#universal basic income

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Los Angeles Times
3 months ago

Homeless in L.A.: Not every life is a 'success story,' but everyone deserves dignity

Some people's lives aren't on an upward trajectory and may never be, and those people also deserve respect and dignity.
A big piece of the solution to homelessness could be a universal basic income. [ more ]
San Jose Spotlight
1 year ago

How one San Jose lawmaker wants to help homeless students

Homeless high school students in Santa Clara County may soon receive an income lifeline.
San Jose Spotlight
1 year ago

San Jose's homeless high school seniors could get financial help

A state bill from a Silicon Valley legislator could bring hope and help to homeless high school students.
11 months ago
East Bay (California)

Our training is our lived experience': One Bay Area woman's journey from homelessness to advocacy

RICHMOND With clipboard in hand and neon green safety vest on, Amanda Jenkins calls out to a gray-bearded man sweeping the road at the Castro Street homeless encampment under Richmond Parkway.Will you fill out this survey?she asks.It's for our meeting in Sacramento next month.Surrounded by trailers and old cars covered with blue tarps and billboard posters (They're great at keeping the rain out you'd only know if you've lived outside!), she makes her way to the next person she finds at the quiet encampment.
1 year ago
Mental health

Are women really more mentally ill than men? As a psychologist, I'm not so sure | Sanah Ahsan

In the UK, being a woman means you're three times more likely than a man to have a mental health problem.Rates of self-harm among young women have more than tripled since the 1990s.For those facing interlocking systems of oppression, it gets worse.Black British women are more likely to be diagnosed with a mental health problem than white women.
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

Opinion | My So-So Encounters with ChatGPT

A mountain man buys his first chain saw.He comes back to the store a week later complaining that it cuts down only two trees a day when he was told it would cut down 20.The service person says, Well, let's see what the trouble is, and starts it up.The mountain man jumps back and asks, What's that noise?
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

New European Political Party Is Led by an Artificial Intelligence

Introducing: The Synthetic Party, a new political party in Denmark that hopes to soon have a parliament seat.
Washington Post
1 year ago

Analysis | Why 70% Inflation Is Just One of Argentina's Problems

Argentina is facing some of the world's highest inflation, with rates that have topped 70%.
Washington Post
1 year ago

Analysis | Why 70% Inflation Is Just One of Argentina's Problems: QuickTake

Argentina is facing some of the world's highest inflation, with rates that have topped 70%.
1 year ago
Germany news

Bright lights, big cities: cash and HS2 are not the only keys to renewing the north, Andy Burnham | Simon Jenkins

The championing of the north by the Greater Manchester mayor, Andy Burnham, is a noble cause, but his past support for HS2 was a dreadful mistake.From the start, it was clear that the staggering 100bn cost more than all other rail projects put together would cripple all British rail investments everywhere.
Los Angeles Times
1 year ago
Los Angeles

Young adults in L.A. to get $1,000 a month under new guaranteed income program

A new program in Los Angeles County is offering universal basic income, with $1,000 monthly payments to a select group of young adults.
Washington Post
1 year ago

Analysis | Why 70% Inflation Is Just One of Argentina's Problems: QuickTake

Demonstrators with a sign "Argentina wants justice" during anti-government protests at the Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on Thursday, Aug. 18, 2022.
The Independent
1 year ago
UK news

Care leavers in Wales to benefit from Basic Income pilot scheme

The Welsh Government has launched its Basic Income pilot scheme aimed at helping young people as they leave the care system.
Austin Monitor
3 months ago

Austin gave families $1,000 a month for a year. Most of the money was spent on housing. - Austin Monitor

Recipients of the guaranteed income program in Austin spent 60% of the money on rent and mortgage payments.
A larger portion of those who received the cash reported being less likely to be evicted or foreclosed on. [ more ]
4 months ago

It's one of the biggest experiments in fighting global poverty. Now the results are in

Giving cash aid in a lump sum has advantages over monthly payments.
Universal basic income can have a positive impact on well-being and poverty alleviation. [ more ]
#AI is coming for jobs. Could universal basic income be the solution? https://t.co/72PpFc0zaZ
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI is coming for our jobs! Could universal basic income be the solution?

Proponents of universal basic income (UBI) see it as a solution to wage inequality, job insecurity, and AI-induced job losses.
AI could push white-collar workers into the gig economy and poorly paid, insecure work, leading to increased inequality.
UBI could address the failure of employers to distribute economic growth fairly and acknowledge workers' contribution to AI development. [ more ]
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI is coming for our jobs! Could universal basic income be the solution?

Proponents of universal basic income (UBI) see it as a solution to wage inequality, job insecurity, and potential job losses due to AI.
UBI could prevent white-collar workers from being pushed into poorly paid, insecure work in the gig economy.
UBI is seen as a way to distribute the economic growth and reward workers for their role in developing AI. [ more ]
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI is coming for our jobs! Could universal basic income be the solution?

Proponents of universal basic income (UBI) see it as a solution to wage inequality, job insecurity, and AI-induced job losses.
AI could push white-collar workers into the gig economy and poorly paid, insecure work, leading to increased inequality.
UBI could address the failure of employers to distribute economic growth fairly and acknowledge workers' contribution to AI development. [ more ]
11 months ago
Data science

DeepMind Co-founder Warns Governments of AI's Possible Negative Impact on the Job Market

Mustafa Suleyman, a co-founder of DeepMind, the London-based AI lab acquired by Google, has cautioned governments about the potential negative consequences of AI on the job market.According to Fortune, while speaking at the GIC Bridge Forum event in San Francisco, Suleyman emphasized the need for policymakers to take proactive measures, including considering the implementation of universal basic income, to assist knowledge sector workers affected by automation.
Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
1 year ago
Non-profit sector

Remaking the Economy: Wage Justice, Now! - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly

Click here to download accompanying slides Millions of people in the United States work in jobs that pay them less than the minimum wage.
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